Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Their Eyes Were Watching God - Extra

It was nice that this book incorporated a woman's perspective into the class. I know that we had Mrs. Dalloway, but I like that we get Janie's perspective. This book was difficult for me because there were parts that I did enjoy and parts that I did not enjoy. The storyline was very good I thought. It was different-I have not read this story before. I liked seeing this growing into womanhood throughout the story. I really don't think we have read any other books where a character grows so much in such a long period of time. I also liked Hurston's writing techniques. The way that she puts her words together is just beautiful-like poetry. She can describe a simple scene like no other. In a way, it sort of reminded me of Harry Potter just because there were so many details. Like in the beginning with the tree blossoming. Who comes up with stuff like that? Who could even think that a tree is erotic? Also, this is one of the few books that we have read where the setting is very well laid out for the reader, I enjoyed understanding where I was at in the story.

Okay, for the things that I did not like. I did not like Janie very much as a character. I think that she was very, very, very selfish. All she really cared about was herself and I HATE characters like that. Maybe it is because, most of the time they are portrayed as female characters. So anyway, I also think that Janie was kind of a skank... She used her good looks to get whatever she wanted. And whenever she finally found "love" she just became this puny woman who let her husband beat her. It just sort of upset me.

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