Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Four Plays by Eugene O'Neill

What I found most interesting about Eugene O'Neill's four plays is the degree of uniqueness each one had. Even though a person could see a similar underlying theme, O'Neill really did create different worlds, different characters, and even different societies in all of his plays. Something else that I found really amazing was the different types of dialogue used in the different plays. There was at least one character (and usually more) that the reader had to read the part out loud very slowly and then try and figure out what in the world he/she were saying. Something else that I really did find intriguing was all of the intricate stage details in the four different plays. It was almost like reading a novel, because O'Neill was so specific of what was happening on the stage in every single scene. I guess I am just used to reading Shakespeare where the reader really cannot even begin to visualize what is going on during the play. In Emperor Jones, there were times whenever there were just pages and pages of nothing but what was going on the stage.

Even though all four plays had great merit and a reader really could dive into the material and look at the characters in depth, the play that I enjoyed reading the most was Beyond the Horizon. I guess what I really enjoyed about the play was the way O'Neill created the different characters. To me, the characters in Beyond the Horizon were more relatable to today. I know that I have had regrets about not doing something that I have always wanted to do. There is always that hope that someday a person might be able to go "beyond the horizon" and achieve the desired things they want. What Beyond the Horizon truly shows though, is that most times, a person is not able to complete their life ambitions. There is happiness most of the time, like with Robert always being satisfied, but there is never that feeling of completeness.

Also, I just wanted to end with saying that I really did not like Ruth. She was fickle and petty and pretty much displayed every evil quality that a person can possess. Even though Robert was kind of rude to his uncle and really immature in his decisions, I do not think that he deserved to die knowing that his marriage was a joke. I guess this story just really goes to show how much a life can change by a certain decision made.

1 comment:

BB said...

This play was good to me cause I could relate to this play in my life. When I was leaving to go away to college my parents didnt want mw to go away but they still supported me no matter what. Also everybody has had somebody try to come and break up a relationship that they had with another person.Andrew was a person to me who knew the meaning of true family. Ruth she just a stupid girl who doesnt know what she wants out of life or in a man. she was lusting after both brothers and the brother she really wanted didnt wnat her nomore. After she played him for Robert. She should have never came in between the family and caused all that nonsense between the brothers. Stay away from all RUTHS people(lol)