Tuesday, October 7, 2008

As I Lay Dying - Extra

What struck me first about As I Lay Dying is the format of the novel. It is interesting how Faulkner changes characters thoughts through different chapters. The way that he deliberately separates the characters and still intertwines the thoughts of the characters is amazing.

In the beginning of As I Lay Dying I was a little confused about what was going on because the characters changed so quickly. As I got into the story, I learned the characters and began to understand the way that they act. What I find fascinating about Faulkner is his uncanny ability to create the different characters with such distinct personalities. As I continued reading farther on, whenever I read the name at the beginning of the chapter, I immediately brought the character into my mind.

Faulkner also has that amazing ability to write at the surface but the reader knows that there is a ton more going on that what is being said on top. I think that his writing is very poetry-like. He tends to put a lot of understatement into his writing and he also puts such a huge meaning, concept, or emotion into just a few simple words. I think that his writing really draws the reader in.


belikejune said...

I found it hard to separate all of the characters also. We have the main characters of the family, but then other characters are included that they family meets or passes by on the road...it all can get very confusing. But, once you get further into the book, each character develops into his or her own unique person, which is an amazing writing technique of Faulkner.

Boomer said...

Just as you and "belikejune" said, there are FAR to many characters. I was constantly finding myself looking back and forth through the book so I could re-firmiarize myself with who was who.

Overall though I felt this book was ok. I thought it was somewhat comical during some parts and bizzare during others.

As far as his writing being "poetic", I might just be synical and a negative-nancy, but I really didn't see this emotion your talking about. Maybe its because I just dont like reading to begin with? Probably. But in my mind, I was just trying to finish reading it without getting all caught up in the emotions of the characters or what-have-you.

So yea, I'm probably just being negative. Sorry.